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Email response answers ADHD belief vs. scientific fact

CP wrote:
    I will forever disagree with you on the existence of ADD/ADHD.  My youngest
    child is not just "normal" in his hyperactivity.  His problems are not
    "normal" and neither are his short-term memory and auditory memory problems.
    I think that you are being terribly arrogant to say that since you don't
    believe that there has been any medical evidence to substantiate the
    diagnoses, that they don't exist.
    As for the medication, I agree that it's a difficult decision and one that
    parents should think through thoroughly.  But you do not have the final word
    on the subject matter.  There are certain risks with any medication or
    medical procedure.  That does not mean that the risks automatically
    outweight the benefits.

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
Dear CP, believe what you want, but do not confuse your beliefs with
science and the need for scientific answers when it comes to medicating innocent
children whose informed consent rights are in your hands. You state: "There are
certain risks with any medication or medical procedure. That does not mean that
the risks automatically
outweight the benefits." In that absolutely no psychiatric
disorder/problem/condition--ADHD included--is a bona fide disease, with a
demonstrable/diagnosable abnormality in the child means one thing and one thing
only; that the risk does automatically outweigh the benefits, that the risks do
automatically outweight the benefits in every single treatment encounter in
which it is a psychiatric non-disease on the 'risk' side of the risk vs. benefit
equation. The professionals who lead told you that such things are
diseases/biological have violated your informed consent rights. Such a
violation is tantamount to professional malpractice. Continue to believe them
at your own peril and that of your child.

p.s.: On my web site, see the 9/28/00 Letter to me from Steven Hyman, MD,
Director of the NIMH
, and my reply. That ADHD and all of the disruptive behavior
disorders and learning disabilities are without validation as diseases, anywhere in
the scientific literature is a matter of science and lack of it, not a matter of
personal beliefs I or others might hold]

  CP wrote:

        Dr. Baughman,
        While I commend you for addressing the issue of over-medication of
    children for ADD/ADHD in today's society, I completely disagree with you on
    the actual existence of such a disorder.
        My husband was diagnosed with ADHD 30 years ago but was never treated
    for it.  When my youngest son began school, we hoped his hyperactivity would
    settle down once he entered a more restrictive and responsible role for
    himself.  It did not.  He would not sit in his seat for more than a few
    minutes at a time.  He would constantly disrupt class, leave and never come
    back, talk continuously, etc.  Despite being extremely smart, his grades
    suffered and if it wasn't for the help and understanding of a wonderful
    teacher, I believe he would have begun to hate school.  It was not the
    school who suggested we have him tested but the idea was ours.  Because of
    my husband's problems, we didn't want to take the risk of putting our son's
    education in jeopardy.
        You may believe...

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
As a board certified, practicing neurologist and child neurologist
for 33 years I was paid to know, not believe, whether persons coming to me
had a disease of the brain/nervous system or not. Testifying in court on
such issues I am responsible for knowing and attesting to the science on
such issues, not believing. When persons came to me or brought their
children or other loved ones, I was the physician, I did the diagnosing. If
they were going to do the diagnosing they were wasting my time and their
money in doing the diagnosing and sticking with their diagnosis. I have
testified under other before the Congress and in many court proceedings that
ADD/ADHD, whatever the terminology has never been validated as a disease of
the brain or any
body part, having a detectible, confirming physical or chemical
abnormality. Very simple: no abnormality--no disease. I have also
testified under other that any claims of psychiatry that it diagnoses and
treats actual diseases--physical abnormalities, are fraudulent and are
tantamount to medical malpractice. In the future when you and yours see any
physician--psychiatrists included--if they tell you you (or your loved one)
has a disease, ask to see the test that proves it. Psychiatrists who call
ADHD a disease due to a chemical imbalance, have no such test and no such
proof, rather, in so claiming, they decieve and defraud. With no disease,
the roles of the adults in the child's life must be scrutinized and accepted
as the determinant of the child's behavior as it is today.]

      ...that this disorder doesn't exist but you if had to live and teach any
    of these children, you would see differently.  I don't enjoy the thought of
    medicating my chid and I don't give him his medication on the weekends but I
    will NOT put my son's education in jeopardy.  He is smart and wants badly to
    become a scientist.  Why don't you go sit in his classroom and I won't give
    him his medication and you see how well you do to reach him.

[Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD:
The sooner you and your husband know and accept the science regarding
so-called ADHD and the dangerous, addictive, sometime lethal drugs used to
'treat' it the better off your child will be]

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